Rage Moment.

Rage Moment.
I'm not the only one ...

Friday 4 February 2011


Okay, so here I go again, but don't start having rage moments at me because of the title - I'm not just an about all boys, I'm on about that minority that think they can treat girls like crap and lie to everyone and think they can get away with it, so unless you're one of those boys reading this then you shouldn't have a problem - Most guys are pretty cool. Oh yeah, it's 'boys' because any of them that think they can treat people so badly obviously don't deserve to be called 'men' or even 'guys'.

So, in my opinion, you can tell these guys from a mile off. That self-assured, big-headed, arrogant, 'I always have something better to be doing' attitude. Take heed and steer clear my dears! (Unless you're into that sorta thing, but why you would be, I'll never know).

Past first-hand experience has taught me what to look for in a guy, and what to stay away from. And a recent experience that my friend had with a boy, just added to that list of 'don't go near him or else ...' So I'll give you a brief, no names mentioned (apart from maybe one) run-down of the story.

My friend Michelle* went out with a boy called Sam Wilson. She was soooo loved up, and it was her first proper, serious relationship. And guess what?! That stupid boy treated Michelle like absolute crap - he beat her up, cheated on her, lied to her constantly, made her do stuff she wouldn't usually do .. And he has totally ruined her life. And the worst part is - he still thinks he can have her back (she finally saw sense and finished with him - wooo!). He sends her texts, expecting her to reply, he keeps getting his friends to send her messages, trying to persuade her of 'what a great guy' he is and she'd be 'stupid not to take him back'. Well, I'm sorry, but he's obviously not a 'great guy' and you're only sending Michelle that message because you think it's going to get you somewhere.

So that was a pretty brief story there. Let me warn you - if you see a guy in the Leicestershire area, that has an abnormally shaped head, with abnormally large ears, and that whole arrogant, 'I always have something better to do' attitude then stay away - It's for your own good, male or female.

But enough about that, let's finish on a good note. We all have those bad experiences, that shake us up, and put us off trying, but you have to take the good from the bad. You'll know in future what to stay away from and what good things to look for in a person. Again, I'm not bragging or anything, but after all of my past, I've now found the single most amazing man ever, and there are simply no words to describe how utterly amazing he is. He's smart, he's funny, he's sensitive, he's caring, he's just ... supercalifragilisticecsbealidocious (that's what you say, when you don't know what to say - Mary Poppins. And yeah, it's probably spelt wrong, but never mind, you get the idea.) And I love my gorgeous, super-amazing boyfriend so much, and I never want to lose him, ever. I don't know what I would do without him.

Spread the love guys,


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